Recent Podcasts, Film & Public Lectures.


United States Congressional Hearing.

US House of Representatives Ways & Means Committee Trade Subcommittee Hearing on forced labour.


Sedona Forum 2021.

Panel with former UK Prime Minister Theresa May and US Senator Rob Portman.

Yale University Panel on Forced Labour & Covid-19.

Yale University Webinar, ‘Modern Anti-Slavery and Transparent Supply Chains: Building Back Free-er After Crises’, 2020.


Blind Spots in Political Economy Workshop.

This short film was made by the University of Sheffield about the ‘Blind Spots in Political Economy’ workshop co-hosted by the University with academic journals Review of International Political Economy and New Political Economy, 2019.

Forced Labour & Worker Rights.

"Forced Labor and Workers Rights" is a short film about forced labor in global supply chains made by Yale University, featuring the research of Professor Genevieve LeBaron, co-chair of the Yale University Modern Slavery Working Group, made in 2018.


Michigan State University College of Law Lecture.

Genevieve LeBaron’s public lecture within Michigan State University College of Law’s Talksy Center for Human Rights of Women and Children public lecture series, 2019.

CBC Ideas.

Genevieve LeBaron featured on Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Radio Canada’s Ideas hosted by Paul Kennedy, episode on Woke Washing: The Problem with ‘Branding’ Social Movements, 2019.


United Nations Webinar.

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children’s webinar ‘20 Years After: Implementing and Going Beyond the Palermo Protocol’ featuring Ambassador Luis De Baca, Mike Dottridge, Maud de Boer Buquicchio, Christine Chinkin, and Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, 2020.

Kings Transnational Law Summit.

Plenary session at King’s College London Transnational Law Summit, featuring Genevieve LeBaron (Sheffield University), Guy Standing (SOAS, University of London), Isabel Feichtner (University of Würzburg), Fritjof Capra (Center for Ecoliteracy) and Mark Barenberg (Columbia University), 2018.


Journal of Supply Chain Management Webinar

Webinar on ‘Managing Working Conditions in Supply Chains: Towards Decent Work,’ featuring Mark Pagell, Andrew Crane, Vivek Soundararajan, Miriam Wilhelm, Juliane Reinecke, Peter Hasle, Sarosh Kuruvilla, and Genevieve LeBaron, 2020.

Whose Century Is It? Podcast.

Genevieve LeBaron interviewed by Mary Kay Magistad for Whose Century Is It? Podcast, which explores ideas, trends and twists shaping the 21st century.

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Yale Slavery & Its Legacies Podcast.

Yale University’s Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance & Abolition’s Tom Thurston interviews Genevieve LeBaron and Kevin Bales as part of the Yale Modern Slavery Working Group.